♥ Sunday, September 6, 2009,5:59 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
Maybe my blog will not be updated within this few weeks~Why leh?!Cause of my project lor!My exam lor!My homework lor!!! Labels: 郁闷.篇
♥ Friday, August 28, 2009,10:56 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
星期五我约了我的 "师傅" 教我做月饼...banana cake ^^...面包
一大早就下雨 真的是天不作美~
我妈咪还特地从家里下来婆婆家载我去我姑姑家 [PJ]
♥ Wednesday, August 26, 2009,10:44 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
今天 我的伯公去世了这两个月里 已经是我第三个亲人去世了今年到底是怎么了 好像过的不是很顺利伯公他其实之前就有不舒服了然后他们为了省钱就没去看医生其实他们有钱的很 怕死人家拿掉酱~越有钱的人越吝啬 好像是真的结果他进院的时候已经来不及了啦!那些病啊~ 不是末期都变成末期鸟咯~医生说他的肾...肺...大肠[cancer]...都有问题的我爸爸去看他的时候他已经全身种了起来因为他的肾不能操作 导致水分不能排出体外更严重的是他全身开始出水 医生用布包住他的身体[吸收水分]他家人看他那么辛苦本来今早上打算"送他一程"的他现在只是靠那些机器来呼吸只要把那些机器的管子拿开 他就会马上停止呼吸所以他家人把全部人都叫去看他最后一面他们更厉害的是 人还没去世 丧事已经安排好了 棺木也载来了 寿衣也拿进房间了感觉好像巴不得他马上"去"酱!结果 那些管子全都拿了出来怎么想到奇迹出现了他的心跳在两分钟后恢复正常 脸色也较好看了他们全都下了一跳很多人说可能是"回光返照"我也不懂该不该相信好可是当其他人都走得七七八八时 他就"离开"了我婆婆说 他注定是没有那么多人能送他走Haix~现在这个社会 已经是"生人霸死地"了没有想到还有人还没去世就叫定棺木车[怪怪的]希望他在另一个世界会更好
Labels: 惊人.篇, 郁闷.篇
♥ Tuesday, August 25, 2009,5:49 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
My blog is not wrote for you!
If you wanna comment about it
Then dont read my blog please~
♥ ,1:29 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
我的新玩意儿 哇哈哈
超~~~~~~~ 喜欢的!!! [ 我不是贪新忘旧哦! ]
[ 不懂那里前面那里后面 ]
[ 可爱 hor? ]
它还是我 belated bird-day present 咧~
***** Nice 0~ *****
Labels: 乱话.篇, 开心. 篇
♥ Monday, August 24, 2009,10:41 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
Show you all some "new born baby"
Very cute right?!
Labels: 久久一次.篇, 照片.篇
♥ ,9:37 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
Last Friday our school was celebrating the Merdeka Day!
So we no need to bring any books muhaha ^^The 1st half of the day we got many performance and showThen another half of the day we had those competition [sukan neka] and cake decorationDuring the recess time, SM and Michelle battle in the Intan class room
Then some of the "audience" came in to the class and some standing outside
The "场面" so high 0~They were using the song "不潮不用花钱" by JJ Lin
I was not feeling well on that day actuallyso SY...LingWei...WeiQian & me go back to Zamrud for a restSM ask me to sms NRS and told her somethingOnce I took out my phone Eileen and 2 more prefect suddenly appearthat time I stil "反应不过来" so they saw us playing with our phone
After we kept it Eileen say "Why dont take out your phone"We felt nervous and dont know what to dosomemore WeiQian is prefect
we so scared that she will involve thisBut after that I told her that I was not feeling wellso she "放过" us...phew~ luckily!!
If not then sure I HABIS already!!!I rest in my class for half an hour then I go find LingWei they all but SY and WeiQian gone alreadyand finally we saw them in the hallthey were waiting for the result of the cake decorationEach form only choose 1 so we dint get anything T.T
[ Hehe...this is the cake...not very nice...but OK lar...this is SM & Kei Kei 的心血 leh~ ]
[ Weeee!!! LingWei was using the "水果刀" to eat the cake ]
Our teacher bought the butter cream MY G0D~ so oily and salty but we stil ate the cake
because it is repressent our classhaha 一代忠臣 ^^***** The End *****
Labels: 报告.篇
♥ ,3:23 AM
ICECREAM invasion :D
Going to sleep now ler~~Night my friends ^^Sleep tight tight & have a SW33T DR3AMNit3x Muackx.
Labels: 疯.篇
♥ Sunday, August 23, 2009,11:32 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
*********** 19/20 08 09 **********
这两天我都跟鸟 Puan Enzie 出去陪别人表演 [ Merdeka ]
讲好听的 就是 supporter 咯~ 讲不好听点 就失去当 "临时演员"
哈哈 很好的形容词
第一天啊! 真的"显"到不懂哪里去鸟~
我在那边闷到睡了一个小小的午觉 ^^
其实他们是有给我们一些"道具" 我们要跟着用手"跳舞"
第一天不懂是怎样 总之很闷就对了!!
然后有一位个子很小很小的姐姐上来骂人 [没有跟着"跳舞"的人]
幸亏她没看到我 不要就糗死了咯~
之后呢 他们为了要有一种 berbilang bangsa 的感觉
就把我们 PESS school 的华人分到乱七八糟
我跟"babe" 就夹在那些 malay 中间
不小心弄到他们一点点好像犯了什么滔天大罪一样 要告诉全世界的人
原来 Chan Pei Ern 有妹妹在我们学校
[ 拍到蒙了点...车一直在晃 ]
[ 就是她啦~ 很面善对吧! ]
还长得跟 Charmaine 挺像的 呵呵
本来第二天不想去了 可是那天又有比赛
想要逃避比赛 唯有去咯
WeiQian 她们还把我放在第一排咧~ [比赛]
哈哈 我没有去
赢了[第三] 鼓励鼓励 ^^
[ applause ]
就有不同的感觉喔~ 不是好像昨天酱 闷到不懂那里气鸟!!!
他们给我们一件衣 一顶帽子 一对手套 一个口罩
[ 全部都是
橙色的 ] =.='''
不过~ 等全场人都换完了那件衣服就不同了咯~
我们前后都被 malay 包抄咧~
我还一直踩到人家的手 哈哈 不好意思啊!! ^^
然后我们自恋鸟几张照片 Shina 还问我们为什么平时不拍照 就是要等到
哈哈 无言以对 就因为这次是个 special event
所以 我们豁出去了!!!!!!
[ 照相时间 ]
[ 很像我们平时吃的 "瓦煲鸡饭" ]
[ 呵呵 ]
[ Lee YokeWai 的好杰作 ]
[ 呵呵...脸蛋大了点...PS PS~ ]
[ 看~她真的很
欠扁一下的咯! ]
[ 人家拍照她就在那里 "佐头佐细" ]
[ 哈哈 ]
[ 我 & 啊谁 ]
[ 哈哈...看鸟不要找我啊! ]
[ 她送我的...T.T ]
[ Yeah~ ]
我们虽然是配角 可是也扮演满重要的角色的咧!!
由于我们坐在嘉宾的正前方 所以一定要做到很很很很很很整齐
表演正在进行时我们也不能看 因为要很 alert 看着那个指挥的人
可是我还是会偷瞄一点点的啦~ 哈哈
辛苦是辛苦了一点 不过这种一年一次的 event
嘻嘻 是看不到我们的啦~ 因为每个人都一样的 哈哈
[ 结束后 release 很多气球 ]
[ 这个人把气球放进他肚子里面 然后把它按爆 ]
[ =.= ]
[ 边走边拍的 拍得不错吧~ 哈哈 ]
[ 回程 ]
♥ Saturday, August 22, 2009,11:56 PM
ICECREAM invasion :D
My cousin was passed away at last friday afternoon
And this was because of the H1N1
She actually suffer from lymphoma cancer since 4 years before
That day she admitted to hospital is because she was having the chemotherapy
But unfortunately...she infected by the H1N1
At first the doctor was only suspected that she infected by H1N1
But when the report tell that she was comfirmed infected by H1N1
and after that she passed away at the same day~
I wouldn't felt shock when I heard that news
I also dont know why~
The pitiest is my cousin lar...they became orphans now!
Because their father passed away 4 years ago...and now their mother leave them also
Within this 4 years...5 of their close relatives passed away!
How pity they are~
Labels: 久久一次.篇, 郁闷.篇